A star icon.

YouTube Shorts averages a whopping 70 billion daily views creating a wave of opportunities to build your brand, drive engagement and reach new audiences.

But why is your video not pulling these crazy numbers?

One key element is the time you post your video. Understanding the best time to on YouTube Shorts can significantly impact its performance. By looking at when your audience is most active, what days are best to post on, and the different time zones, you can start increasing views, engagement and subscribers.

Does it matter what time you post on YouTube Shorts?

red clock with wings

Have you ever wondered if the universe aligns just right when you hit that upload button on YouTube Shorts? Okay, maybe it's not that cosmic, but timing indeed plays a pivotal role in the digital cosmos of YouTube.

Of course, there are other factors too, like the dimensions of your YouTube Shorts. But, posting when your audience is most awake and online can make or break your video's success. Whether it’s avoiding the dreaded time zone mismatch or catching the algorithm at its peak, the best time to post on YouTube Shorts could be your golden ticket to viral fame.

How to decide when to post on YouTube Shorts

So, how do you crack the code? It boils down to a few key factors:

1. Target Audience

First things first, who are you creating for? Your target audience is the North Star guiding your journey. Each demographic has its digital habits and routines. Are they students cramming for exams, or are they 9-to-5 professionals unwinding after a day at the office? Understanding the age, lifestyle, and daily rhythms of your viewers is crucial. This knowledge isn't just power—it's precision. It helps you tailor your posting schedule to times when your audience is most likely to be online, eagerly scrolling for their next video fix.

2. Time Zone

16.4% of YouTube’s Site Traffic Comes from America. But in the global village of YouTube, time zones can be tricky. If your audience spans from the bustling streets of New York to the serene landscapes of New Zealand, you've got a bit of a puzzle on your hands. The key here is to find a common ground. Use YouTube's analytics to see where the majority of your viewers are based. If you discover that most of your audience tunes in from a particular region, consider their local time as your golden hour. Remember, your content might be universal, but time zones aren't 🕒

3. Content type

The nature of your content plays a pivotal role in deciding the best time to post. Is your Short an energetic morning workout routine or a relaxing evening meditation guide? The content itself can suggest the optimal posting time. Educational and motivational content might perform better in the morning, setting the tone for the day, while entertainment or relaxation videos could be the perfect evening companions. Align your content with the daily routines and needs of your audience, and you’ll find your sweet spot!

4. Days of the Week

When is the best time to post YouTube Shorts on Saturday? Or Sunday? Or Wednesday?

Not all days are created equal in the world of YouTube Shorts. Each day carries its own vibe and potential for viewer engagement. For instance, weekends, especially Fridays and Sundays, often see higher engagement rates as people have more free time to explore and enjoy content. Weekdays, particularly Wednesday, can be ideal for capturing that midweek audience looking for a brief escape or a quick burst of inspiration. Mapping out the week with a strategic eye can help you maximise visibility and engagement. Checkout our breakdown:

5. Schedule YouTube Shorts

Using the above tips, try posting at different times and days, then monitor your analytics for viewer engagement spikes. Once you’ve deciphered your optimal posting times through trial and exploration, consider scheduling your Shorts in advance. This not only ensures consistency—a key to building and maintaining an engaged audience—but also allows you to navigate through your content calendar with ease. A steady stream of content, aligned with your audience’s schedule, keeps your channel's waters flowing and your viewers coming back for more.

You can schedule a post from your YouTube Studio by:

  • Clicking ‘Create’, then ‘Upload videos’ and selecting the video you want to upload.
  • From there, click on the ‘Schedule’ button under the Visibility tab and choose what time you want to post your YouTube Short.

Alternatively, you can use a social scheduler tool like LiveLink AI or Hootsuite.

When is the best time to post on YouTube Shorts?

On average, the best time to post on YouTube Shorts is between 2 to 4 pm (EST) on weekdays and between 9 to 11 am (EST) on weekends.

But remember, keep a close eye on your analytics section to see when your audience are most active. To do this:

  1. Click on YouTube Studio and head to the analytics section on the left-hand side
  2. Click on the “Audience” tab of the “Analytics” section.
  3. Assess the purple graph to see when your audience are most active.

AI YouTube Shorts Maker

Now that you know when to post your YouTube Shorts, let’s talk about the best way to create consistent, high-quality Shorts, using LiveLink AI.

LiveLink AI transforms your long-form videos into engaging, bite-sized clips ready to conquer the digital world. With features like auto-captioning, a user-friendly in-platform video editor, and the ability to schedule YouTube Shorts, it’s never been easier to captivate your audience. Think of it as your personal AI clip maker.

Step 1: Upload Your Long Video

  • Simple Upload: Whether it’s a video sitting on your computer or one already shining on YouTube, just upload it directly or paste the YouTube URL.

Step 2: Let our AI clip maker work its magic

  • Key Moment Identification: The AI sifts through your content, selecting only the best parts that are bound to shine on socials!
  • Auto-captions: LiveLink AI auto-captions your video for you so that you don’t have to sit there manually adding them. You can customise the style, font size and colour to match your brand!

Step 3: Share Everywhere

  • Download and share: Once you’re happy, you can download multiple short-form clips and share them on YouTube Shorts, Reels and TikTok.

P.S. You can also download YouTube videos in 1080p using LiveLink AI.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How many YouTube Shorts should I post a day?

A: To grow your YouTube channel, aim for consistency and quality over quantity. Aim to post a YouTube Short at least once a day so that you stay in the minds of your subscribers.

Q: Can I schedule YouTube Shorts?

A: Absolutely! Planning ahead can help you maintain a steady flow of content, keeping your audience hooked.

Q: Is there a best time to post on YouTube Shorts?

A: The best time to post your YouTube Short is when it’s most likely to receive the most views and engagement. Each day has its peak hours, typically between 6pm-9pm, but always adjust based on your audience insights.

In summary

Armed with these insights and the power of LiveLink AI, you’re ready to elevate your YouTube Shorts game. Remember, the best time to post YouTube Shorts is when it aligns with your audience's habits and your content strategy.

Unsure if YouTube Shorts is right for you? Read our breakdown of YouTube Shorts and TikTok to see which is the best short-form video platform in 2024.